Dandelion Communitea Owner Julie Norris shared in her email how the idea came about. She wanted to decorate the shop, but had some concerns:
"What to do, what to do?" I wondered out loud recently. You see, I have been torn about decorating the cafe for the holiday season for a number of reasons, including concern over the environmental impact of new decorations, needing to conserve financial resources and most importantly, wanting be inclusive of the many traditions that everyone in the community celebrates this time of year. Moments after I explained my conundrum, a friend offered the perfect solution: why don't you have everyone in the community bring in one used decoration?Ah HA!!! Brilliant!
So, calling all community: bring in one holiday item from your tradition that you would love to see on display at the cafe. If we get too many, we will donate them to a good cause. Why didn't I think of this earlier?"