The Waverly Consort presenting final concert of the Bach Festival Society’s 2007–2008 concert season: "The Year 1492: Spanish Music in the Age of Exploration," featuring music from the Islam, Christianity, and Judaism religions.
Friday, April 18; 8:00 pm
Tiedtke Concert Hall, Rollins College campus
$30-$40 each
Call 407.646.2182 or go to
The Wavery Consort
The Boston Globe: "A group not only extraordinary in its ability to bring early music to life, but also outstanding in the level of individual virtuosity, . . . rare refinement and imagination, and a sense of atmosphere that was enchanting." Founded in 1964 by Michael and Kay Jaffee to explore the fascinating sounds and styles of early musical repertories, the ensemble has created a worldwide audience for its music through international concerts, recordings, and radio and television appearances.
Concert to include:
-chronicles in song of the conquest at Granada
-vibrant Moorish-influenced popular songs & dances of 15th-Century Spain
-elegant Christian court and chapel music from the reigns of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella
-Songs of the Sefardim, or Iberian Jews