Orlando Exodus: Kate Addicott

Orlando Exodus is a new feature showcasing Orlandoeans who leave Orlando and the stories therein. I think sometimes we focus on the "local" scene too much and forget there's a whole population of Orlando alumni doing cool stuff all over the country.

Orlando Exodus #1 Kate Addicott: The first Orlando Exodus feature is on Kate Addicott, an Orlando copywriter who moved to New York City August 2007. Here's Kate giving some positive advice to those wishing to do the same:

Kate keeps a blog and her latest entry I have to share with you. She calls it "To-do list:"
read more, learn the history of the neighborhood, attend more live events, visit museums, write more, keep up with politics just enough to hold own in bars, drink more, practice yoga, make new friends, study a new language, explore new artistic media, drink less, eat better, read more, travel the world, become buddhist, find inner peace, write more, love completely, feel connected, understand everything, miss the point, feel lost, find comfort in pain, find comfort in numbness, drink more, compromise love, compromise values, visit machu picchu, host an orgy, write more, stop eating, become wary of self-destructive cycle, have some coffee, sober up, wise up, read more, seek forgiveness, regain love, redefine love, redefine self, stop trying so hard, find happiness, rinse, repeat.
If you have someone to feature in "Orlando Exodus," send me an email.