Friday Tidbits

Frankie and Lawrence: twins?
Frankie Messina (Apartment E) and Lawrence (a Lawyer)
Orlando Fringe, 2008

Free stuff to do in Orlando (Living Orlando)

"Half a million dollars would rescue us," says Seaside Music Theatre's Lester Malizia (Orlando Sentinel)

Central Florida Olympians...
from Tampa: 8
From Daytona Beach: 1
From Orlando: Zero (Wah Waaaaaaah)

Two-for-one tickets to "Elliott: A Soldier's Fugue" (Orlando Sentinel)

Mickey Mouse arrested (Orlando Sentinel)

The founder of MetroBlogs is speaking at IzeaFest, which takes place September 11-13. Here's why I care.

Orlando Sentinel is featuring the Orlando Metroblog feed on their website. I emailed the Sentinel to ask them if they would carry mine as well.

Make 3-d stuff for free with Google Sketchup

Florida media guru Phil Leigh is doing "Inside Digitial Media" podcasts and blog posts. Latest podcast is an interview with Shelly Palmer about Amazon and Cloud Computing. Don't know what this stuff is? All the more reason to listen. Might as well get into it now. in two years (or sooner), we'll all be learning about it.