Susan Messing August Miami workshops

The Miami Improv Festival is happening Augut 22-24, and I want to recommend two workshops to anyone involved in comedy improv. They're taught by Susan Messing. Though priced $50 higher than in Chicago, ($150 for 4 hours with her in Miami in August vs. $50 for 2 hours with her in Chicago this past July) the workshops are the only chance for an Orlandoean to experience her, since Orlando seems to be void of any desire or effort to bring nationally-known improv instructors to our city, save Chris Dinger's solo effort at bringing in an instructor from Improv Olympic last year to SAK. Miami is your only (near future) chance to witness, learn from and have your head smacked (figuratively) by Susan Messing. I took one workshop from her in Chicago this past July and let me tell you: awesome. If you have the spare $150 and the time to drive down to Miami, DO IT.

Here's another person praising her workshops. Dinger has also taken her workshops and I am sure will sing her praises higher than I just did.

And by the way, Miami Improv Festival still owes me money from my 2007 appearance. (Photo Credit)