I met Billy Elliot! And he is from Florida!

OMG it's Billy Elliott! (and his Mom in background!)

So I'm 15 minutes late for my appointment to be seen for the national tour of "Jesus Christ Superstar" starting in the Fall (No, I don't think it's coming to Orlando). I get to Ripley Grier Studios and wait outside the door with 2 other actors and some kid sitting next to me. We all make small talk and I just assume the kid is some uber-talented kid auditioning for something in the room across from the one I am waiting to go into. One of the adult actors waiting goes, "Do you know who you're sitting beside?" to me. I say no. She says, "That's Billy Elliott." Meaning, he's one of the three Billy Elliots staring in the Broadway show that's opening soon. OMG!

Now, I did a little googling and I don't see him anywhere online. So, I am assuming he's newly cast, possibly replacing a previously announced Billy? Either way check this:

He's from Florida!