Worldwide Sketchcrawl is happening in Orlando (for the first time). I think. What is it? It's like a Pub Crawl and Photowalking: you bring materials for whatever medium you work in (painting, drawing, sketching, peanut buttering), and go with a group o people from spot to spot, notating the things around you, in your medium. I don't know who is organzing it. I just
read about it here. According to the site, they're planning on meeting at the downtown public library Saturday, October 25 around 10:30am.
"Bring sketchbooks, watercolours, pencils, cameras, whatever you feel most comfortable with to capture the scenery around you. We would spend the day (ending around 4 p.m, of course if you have obligations then leave whenever you need to) walking around and drawing/sketching."
Leave a comment if you know more about this event. It sounds great.