Cat-Hat Revolution

Orlandoean Mike Gill started a Facebook group after seeing photos of Arabella Fisher and Brandon Roberts... wearing their cats. The idea is called "Cat Hat."
"The secret is, you have to make them all relaxed first... then very slowly place cat on your head before they realize what you're doing... BAM. Cat-hat!"
Joseph Fletcher, Brandon Roberts, Mark Koenig, Megan Mayo, Pat Braillard also deserve credit as the first cat-hatters, pre-Facebook group. It has 60 members as of 10:30am, but Mike says "merely JOINING is half the battle. Get a cat. Put it on yo head... Take a photo... and post it on the group site."

Several people have done so and the effect is hilarious.

"Quick, do it, before you think too much about it and realize how truly ridiculous it is," says Mike. I agree.

And if you twitter your cat hat photos, use the hashtag #cathat.

What the Blog: Join the Cat-Hat Revolution

(All photos above completely stolen from Cat Hat Facebook group members for this post)
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