Audition: white male for smoking PSA

This got sent to me this morning:
We held auditions on Saturday at the downtown Expo Center but we were unable to cast our lead, a white male in his late 20's early 30's or the 3 supporting male characters (age 20-40). We can make them up to look older of course.

We plan to shoot this short film (2 1/2 -3 min) on smoking on Saturday, April 25th on location in Orlando. We have funds from the FL Department of Health. We will be paying $250 for 'Joe' the main character and $50 for the supporting actors plus travel (mileage, tolls) and we will provide food. No one is smoking in the film. I have been making smoking PSA's, short films, & websites on smoking prevention with funding since 2003.

We will hold auditions close by in the Research Pavilion, at 12424 Research Parkway, suite 360, The Women's Research Center this Tuesday and Thursday (April 14 &16) EVENINGS 5:30-7:30PM. My phone is 407-823-5142 or cell 321-232-2007

Thank you very much for your assistance.
Best regards,

Leslie Sue Lieberman, Ph.D. Director
Women's Research Center
University of Central Florida
P.O. Box 160955
Orlando, FL 32816-0955
407-823-0890 - Fax
Physical Office: PVL 360
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