Visit Orlando (a web-friendly name for the Orlando/Orange County Convention and Visitors Bureau)
is giving a lucky couple $25,000 to cover living expenses back home and 67 days of stay in a furnished 2-bedroom downtown Orlando condo in exchange for the couple blogging/tweeting/facebooking their experience of doing all 100 attractions Orlando, Florida Olando, Florida has to offer.
"Using cell phones, a digital video camera and still camera supplied to you, share your 67 Days of Smiles with the world through social media tools like blogs, Twitter and Facebook."
What if The Daily City could secure funding to do a pro-local version of this idea?
1. If you are a business or org, would you donate to the grant pot, knowing it goes to basically build a gigantic ad for locally-owned business?
2. If you were a local, would you want to participate?