Mobile Art Show #1 in a UHaul

The very first Mobile Art Show, produced by The Daily City and Mark Baratelli, will take place at three unexpected spots in Orlando, in a UHaul, all on one date TBA.

I chose a UHaul for this first show because its the easiest type of truck to get, its low-cost, and I don't need a special license to drive it. And for the first time out, I need to just "get-r-dun" and go through the experience of producing the show, then get more creative with types of trucks in successive shows. The plan right now is to load it up with art on show day and park it in three pre-planned, unexpected spots in Orlando. (Magic Mall parking lot, anyone?) Follow Mobile Art Show on twitter to keep up with the when/where.

Here are examples of art shows across the country occuring in UHauls.


Here's some of the pieces available in the first show: