OrlandoSentinel.com is new: lady fashions

My favorite new feature I've found so far on the newly designed orlandosentinel.com is the well-dressed people photo section called "Snapped." Here's how they describe it:
"Personal style. It is distinctive, but also elusive. It's difficult to define -- but you know it when you see it. When fashion writer Jean Patteson sees someone with terrific personal style, Snap! We shoot a picture and post it here in the Snapped! photo gallery. So dress to impress, Central Floridians -- and check back regularly to see whether you have been Snapped!"
Awesome, right? Its like the street fashion series in TimeOutNY. Someone buzzing around town looking for fashion-forward peeps sporting trends we won't even know about for 6 months. Aweosme. So where does our Sentinel fashion expert go to seek out the next big thing? Fundraisers at a Robb and Stucky! Yay! I am sure this section will get better as it goes, and I look forward to checking it daily. And do NOT ask me to do my own version of this where I take photos of people dressed like crap and call it "UnSnapped," because that idea would never fly. No one like it when people make fun of other people. Positivity, people. Wow. God. Snap. Fornarina.