Get cash to go to Russia and do something theatre-tastic with some dude in Russia who probably didn't get a grant
TCG/ITI International Travel Grants guidelines and applications now available
TCG/ITI Travel Grants have been designed to foster cultural exchange and artistic partnerships between theatre professionals in the United States and their counterparts in Russia, Eastern Europe or Central Europe (see below for geographic scope). These $3,500 grants will support trips in either direction by theatre artsits, administrators and educators, enabling these professionals to share ideas, gain exposure to each other's cultural traditions and contemporary theatre techniques and/or work together.
Geographic Scope
This program supports cultural exchange between United States theatre professionals and their counterparts in Russia, Central Europe or Eastern Europe, including Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovnia, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Georgia, Hungary, Macedonia, Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, the Slovak Republic, Slovenia and Ukraine. The independent Baltic States and those of Central Asia that were formerly part of the Soviet Union are not currently within the geographic scope of the program. This grant program was developed by TCG in collaboration with the International Theatre Institute and is funded by the Trust for Mutual Understanding.
Deeadline: September 21, 2009
TCG/ITI International Travel Grants
Amount: $3,500 per recipient
For travel between February 1, 2010-Augsut 31, 2010
Mohammad Shatara, Artistic Programs Associate
(212) 609-5900 Ext. 269
Geographic Scope
Deeadline: September 21, 2009
Amount: $3,500 per recipient
For travel between February 1, 2010-Augsut 31, 2010
Mohammad Shatara, Artistic Programs Associate
(212) 609-5900 Ext. 269