Do you still need the monthly reminder from me? Fine I'll do it, but what I will not do is toss out the names of every single artist that will be appearing at every single gallery every single month. I mean lets face it, the event is about the event. You walk in wearing your strappy heels, you look at whatever is on the walls and mock it under your breath to your friend(s), and you leave. Its fun, we love it, glad its here and hope it continues. Yay art.
Dear wonderful patrons of the arts: Mark the event on every month of your calendar, consider it a "don't miss" event and go regardless if Muriel Von Pukestain is showing her oil on canvas of seagulls flying into a windmill or Jan Janet Janeski is hanging her gong mobiles from the ceilings to the shock and amazement of none. You'll have a wonderful time.