About: Since 1986, it provides the community with a truly complete holiday experience. The museum is transformed into a winter wonderland for nine days in November. Stroll through rooms of dazzling decorated trees, wreaths and vignettes which are available for purchase. Our Gingerbread Village, Toyland Town and Christmas Village are great for the young and the young at heart. Shop to your heart’s content at the Holiday Boutique and Holiday Garden or take a break and enjoy some entertainment provided by local area choirs, schools, dance groups, orchestras, a caroling company, a ballet company and individual performers, and visit the Festival Café for lunch or refreshments. For further details and information or to reserve tickets for groups of 25 or more, please call the Council of 101 Office at
407 896 4231 x254 or e-mail councilof101@aol.com.
Opening Night Party | Fri, 11.13.09, 7pm – 11pm
Tickets are $100 (Complimentary Valet Parking)
Reindeer Romp | Wed, 11.18.09, 6:30pm – 8:30pm
Tickets are $12 ($7 valet parking)
Holiday Jazz Stroll | Fri, 11.20.09, 7pm – 10pm
Tickets are $35 ($7 valet parking)