Are You a Socially and Economically Disadvantaged American Citizen?

Certification is a business development initiative that helps socially and economically disadvantaged American citizens gain access to available economic opportunities. The purpose of the certification workshop is to go over the certification requirements for completing an application with Orange County and the City of Orlando. Entities, such as Orange County, have criteria that each applicant must possess in order to be recognized as minority and/or women-owned and controlled business. All businesses must have an established office in the Orlando MSA. The Orlando MSA is defined as Lake, Orange, Osceola and Seminole counties.

Certification Workshop
January 11, 2010, 2pm-4pm
Disney Entrepreneur Center
315 E. Robinson Street
Suite 100
Orlando, FL 32801

To Register, please RSVP by January 8, by filling out the information below and Email to:
Minority Status: (African American, Hispanic, Asian, Native American or Woman)