Bring to Orlando: Puppet Shows in Traffic

Bring to Orlando:
Puppet shows in traffic

Thank you Scottie Campbell for sending this in. If you find your own BTO (Bring to Orlando), send it to us!

Superclogger is amazing in LA and would be wonderful in Orlando. We have the puppet community already!

Conceived with Providence-based artist and bike mechanic Peter Fuller and developed out of Kyack’s interest in chaos, performance, and the relationship between individual will and collective control, Superclogger will present various puppet shows to drivers caught in afternoon traffic jams from a mobile theater housed in the back of a nondescript white pickup truck. Broadcasting soundtracks discretely to the viewer’s car stereo, Superclogger aims to briefly halt the progression of chaos by temporarily drawing the audience out of the commute experience and placing them within an intimate space of engagement and performance that highlights their own individual presence within the broader structure of the traffic jam.

Superclogger will continue presenting weekly interventions throughout the summer, culminating with a second special showing at the Hammer Museum on September 25th, 2010 from 1-4pm, marking the first collaboration between LA>