Extraordinary Interiors | Bed and Breakfast


The O'Heir guest room is by far the favorite room at 17 year old Thurston House bed & breakfast in Maitland, according to one of its employees, Carole. "This is the absolute favorite guest room here. Everyone loves the red color, the windows overlooking Lake Eulalia and the fireplace with candles."

Orlando is beautiful and so is your house. Share it with the city.
Big or small, luxurious or humble, mansion or duplex, Orlando home interiors need an online spot on which to be shown, and we want to be that spot. Think Dwell, Metropolis, Design Sponge and Apartment Therapy but for Orlando. Send submissions to mark DOT thedailycity DOT com. They can be low quality snapshots. If its a good fit, we'll respond, come to your house, take a few pictures and feature your space on our blog. Orlando is beautiful and so is your house. Share it with the city. -Mark