Orange You Glad Pre-Party tonight

By Samir Mathur
Contributing writer
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The ORANGE YOU GLAD Festival pre-party is tonight at Backbooth, and features GRIMES, BORN GOLD and MICHAEL PARALLAX.

The Orange You Glad Festival officially kicks off tomorrow, but tonight is the big pre-festival party. Headlining is GRIMES, aka Claire Boucher, whose album 'Visions' is one of the best-received of this year so far, and has earned her a lot of blog attention. It's a little too one-note and cold for me to fully get into, but it seems like Grimes would put on a fun live show, for sure. Also, she once got arrested after travelling across the country in a house boat, and that's pretty badass.

Get there early to catch Born Gold, and Gainesville's own Michael Parallax.
