The Orlando Museum of Art (OMA) announced Lockheed Martin Corporation will sponsor OMA Community Access programs that connect adults and students with developmental disabilities to art and the world around them in 2012. Access programs offered by the OMA currently include Creative Connections, Art's the Spark @ OMA, and Tactile Tours for the Vision Impaired.

Creative Connections was designed with the help of an Advisory Council that includes members of the Center for Autism and Related Diseases at UCF, the Rollins College Department for Disabled Students, Morning Star School and Easter Seals. The program is designed for students working at third through eighth grade levels.
Art's the Spark @ OMA is a monthly therapeutic program tailored for people with neurological disabilities, such as memory impairment or Alzheimer's disease, and their caregivers. The program includes an interactive tour and studio activity and benefits adults of all ages, including newly returning and senior Veterans.
Tactile Tours for the Vision Impaired is an interactive tour that introduces guests with visual impairments to OMA exhibitions. Tours include sculpture that can be explored through direct handling and other two and three dimensional works that may be investigated using a combination of raised images, description, and discussion.
These programs require advance registration. Guests can call 407 896 4231 x262 for more information, or to register.
"The Orlando Museum of Art strives to provide the highest level of quality in educational programming for all of the Central Florida community. Support from corporations, such as Lockheed Martin, is instrumental in helping the OMA fulfill this mission," stated Jan Clanton, OMA's Associate Curator of Adult Programs.