Orlando Fringe Festival Applications Available Sept 1

Applications for next year's 22nd Annual Orlando International Fringe Festival will be available online at starting September 1 and are due by November 15 at 5pm. The festival is May 15-27, 2013. Get the Application here on September 1.  

Next year will be the 5th year for our annual TheDailyCity.com Audience Choice Awards at the festival. Each year since 2009, we have produced and paid for them. They are voted on by the patrons of the Orlando Fringe Festival here on the site and handed out in a live ceremony on the final night of the festival in front of an audience of hundreds. The awards give the patrons one extra way to say "thank you" to the artists and give the artists who win an award a marketing tool for future productions of their shows.
2012: Photos
2011: Photos 
2010: Photos
2009: Photos

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