Tasty Tuesdays Statement By Commissioner Patty Sheehan

On Tuesday July 19, 2012, there was a happening between city code enforcement, a few local food trucks and event producers during the very popular and successful Tasty Tuesdays food truck event held in The Milk District. Trucks were sent away, fines were issued, and rumors were flying as to what actually went down. We contacted Commissioner Patty Sheehan and asked her what happened. Her response is below.  

"City staff is working with Tommy to try and get the issues resolved.  There was a complaint from a nearby business.  I was aware of parking concerns, and I had spoken to OPD about it, but I was unaware of the code provision that does not allow sales form the city right-of-way.  The trucks were warned, but a few decided to pay the fine and continue selling. 
I would rather work this out so that all of the codes are understood and followed, and the event can continue.  I do not think this is a bad omen for food trucks in general, just a hiccup with a group trying to promote an event that needs to be a little more familiar with our rules."

For the sake of the locals, the food local truck industry, and the businesses that benefit from the event's presence, we hope Tasty Tuesdays returns permanently soon.

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