Orlando Women’s Auxiliary is hosting the 8th annual “Fashion Flair Luncheon,” their annual fundraiser luncheon to benefit the Salvation Army’s Sally House Shelter, at The Ballroom on Church Street September 25, 2012 at 10:30am. Tickets are $100 or $800 for a table seating eight. Expect a fully catered lunch by Puff ‘N Stuff, a fashion show by Continuum of Lake Mary, a silent auction with gift baskets created by Marge’s Specialists, entertainment and a raffle.
Or you could not support the hateful Salvation Army and instead support another group helping others in the same manner as the Salvation Army. The Salvation Army is known to be anti-LGBT, denying services to gay couples and threatening to shut down homeless shelters in NYC rather than provide required benefits to spouses of LGBT employees. Download these to prepare for the ringing bell season.

Or you could not support the hateful Salvation Army and instead support another group helping others in the same manner as the Salvation Army. The Salvation Army is known to be anti-LGBT, denying services to gay couples and threatening to shut down homeless shelters in NYC rather than provide required benefits to spouses of LGBT employees. Download these to prepare for the ringing bell season.