Paperman, the groundbreaking animated short from Walt Disney Animation Studios, was the first to use computer-generated and hand-drawn animation techniques in such a seamless fashion. The minimalist black and white used in the short draws your attention to the story. The story itself is the classic boy meet girl story, while enjoyable the reason to watch this film is the beauty in the animation itself. Almost any frame of this film could be a piece of art in and of itself.
The short film had been the talk of film industry for sometime but there was no way to watch the film without going to the theaters. Luckily the video was uploaded to YouTube on January 29th and within 24hours had gained more than 400,000 views. If you haven't seen it yet take a moment from the craziness of life and just have a Disney moment.
The short film had been the talk of film industry for sometime but there was no way to watch the film without going to the theaters. Luckily the video was uploaded to YouTube on January 29th and within 24hours had gained more than 400,000 views. If you haven't seen it yet take a moment from the craziness of life and just have a Disney moment.