Sea World Sends Antarctica: Empire of the Penguin Penguins on PR Tour

SeaWorld Orlando is going on a PR tour to seven cities to promote the park's largest-ever attraction called Antarctica: Empire of the Penguin at malls and consumer travel shows in those cities. At each stop on the tour dubbed "Epic Voyage," visitors will enter a massive ice dome, see live penguins, play with interactive virtual reality, engage in shareable photo opportunities, and play Antarctica-themed games. Coca-Cola Freestyle machines will also be part of the experience, and you know how Mark feels about those.

There will also be less formal visits in these seven cities by street teams. They will roam and mingle inside their wrapped, Antarctic-themed Hyundai Santa Fes and Sonata Hybrids at hot spots, commuter stations and key landmarks. The street team will test the locals with trivia, hand out prizes and allow them to escape to Antarctica through augmented reality videos. 
We'll assume no penguins will be with the street teams. 

And what would a PR blitz be without an app? "...consumers can immerse themselves virtually into Antarctica through augmented reality and also enter the Family Voyage Sweepstakes."

The New York Times Travel ShowGurnee Mills Mall
Jacob K. Javits Convention CenterThursday, January 24
January 19-20Chicago Travel & Adventure Show
January 26-27
Boston Globe Travel ShowKing of Prussia MallFebruary 23-24
Seaport World Trade Center
February 8-10
Washington, D.C. Travel & Adventure ShowThe Avenues Mall
March 9-10March 23-24
April dates TBD
Miami Dolphins Fin Fest 2013Aventura Mall
Saturday, April 27May 4-5

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