FilmSlam at Enzian | Central Florida's Monthly Shorts Showcase

Orlando Lens
By Nicholas Ware

Since Universal started scaling back production at the Studios, there hasn't been as much major film and television action going on in Orlando as in the past (not counting documentaries like my personal 2012 film of the year, The Queen of Versailles). This downturn can partially be blamed on the very competitive moves made by Georgia to pass laws regarding tax incentives for films produced there--some of the most lucrative in the nation, making it the go-to state (and Atlanta the go-to city) for production "in the South." However, Florida has more than made up for the loss of big-budget production with its independent production scene, which births everything from zombie schlock horror to grounded domestic drama. The indie scene in Florida, and particularly Orlando, is epitomized by the Enzian's on-going FilmSlam independent film competition.

FilmSlam is a year-long competition for short films, with monthly competition screenings usually occurring on the 2nd Sunday of the month. The winners advance to the annual Brouhaha Film & Video Showcase, which usually takes place in November. The next FilmSlam event is this coming Sunday, March 10th, at 1pm. Admission is $5, which helps keep the competition free-to-enter for filmmakers. For those interested in entering films, the deadline for submission is the first first of the month (for that month's screening) and films must be no longer than twenty minutes.

Whether a Scorsese-in-training, an Ebert-in-waiting, or just a fan-of-DIY-film, FilmSlam supports local, independent filmmakers and celebrates the moving picture. Don't miss your chance to see some awesome talent start their foray into cinematic history, and check out clips of some of the recent monthly winners below.

Darren Ockert: A Mini Documentary (Teaser) (February Winner)

Insight to Strengths (Trailer) (January Winner)

On the Edge (Teaser) (December Winner)

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