Say Hello To Dragonette - Ticket Giveaway

Even if you're not familiar with the name Dragonette, you've definitely heard them before. Their collaboration with Martin Solveig, 'Hello', was inescapable a couple of years ago. It was in TV shows, movie trailers, commercials, and all over the radio. The Canadian band has three albums' worth of equally catchy tunes (seriously, listen to 'Giddy Up'), and will be bringing them to The Social this Saturday, June 15th. Expect a sweaty mass of dancing, big choruses, and a whole lot of fun.

And here's the best part: we've got three pairs of tickets to give away. To be in the running, all you have to do is email, put Dragonette in the subject line, and send him your favourite joke. He could always do with a laugh.

The deadline for sending your email is 11.59pm on Thursday night. Three winners will be chosen at random and informed on Friday. Good luck! on Facebook on Pinterest on twitter on Instagram