Trashed a Small Business Online? Now They Can Trash You!

The website Nasty Client allows small business owners to post and read reviews of customers, allowing the business owner to see if they want to accept a customer... or not. It's like a Yelp and Angie's List that rates customers. You know, the people who leave reviews of small businesses on those same sites. 


The owner "started developing in 2009 because (he) was sick and tired of working for bad customers. (He) was also annoyed at how small business owners are portrayed in the Media as “crooks”. Only stories about little old ladies being taken advantage of are spammed through the media. ...the customer is NOT always right."

The vision of Nasty Client is "to change the way consumers all over the world treat small businesses. No longer will it be acceptable for a client to not pay, or try to negotiate the final balance of the job... We may be considered Small Businesses, but together our voices are ENORMOUS!"

Might make you think twice before you write your next review. Or not? Share your thoughts in the comments below.