By: Denna Beena
Contributing Writer Sordid Lives a play by Del Shores opened this past Friday night at Theatre Downtown. Described as "A dark comedy of truth, trust and “coming out” in Texas" celebrates the Theatre Downtown's 25th anniversary. I really enjoyed the show and would recommend everyone catch it. It runs until June 7th. Performances are Thursday, Friday & Saturday at 8 PM. There is 1 Sunday Matinee May 18 at 2:30 PM. Tickets are $22.00/$18.00 for Seniors & Students. There is a discount for people with this years Fringe button, so ask about when you call for tickets 407-841-0083.
This show is so funny with a great quirky charm. I totally accredit that to the great casting and direction from both Fran & Frank Hilgenberg.
Congratulations on another great show Theatre Downtown!