Orlando Weekly: You Forgot the Food Trucks

By Mark Baratelli
The Daily City

I very much enjoyed reading Orlando Weekly's feature "100 Things to do in Orlando before you die." It's a rip-worthy article I'm keeping on my fridge for those whiny days I can't come up with something to occupy my off-time.

I do have a bone to pick.

With Tasty Tuesdays, the Mills50-area trucks in front of the bars and of course our own monthly event in front of Fashion Square Mall, I was disappointed to see no mention of food trucks.

Perhaps it was financial: food trucks don't advertise with the publication. Perhaps it was an oversight: too many awesome things to do in Orlando, not enough column space. Or perhaps it was intentional: they're too cool food food trucks anymore.

I'm not going to guess. I'm just going to say that I wish they'd mentioned food trucks. For over 4 years, I've made my living bringing food trucks to Orlando once a month, as well as 10-15 other towns per month, every month. I think folks in some areas of Orlando look forward to food truck events, some enjoy them every week at Tasty Tuesday and some enjoy them more frequently in Mills50. They've changed our perception of what it means to own a business and NOT be locked down to just one location. They've opened up opportunity for food entrepreneurs to start small and grow big later.

Don't forge the food trucks!
