Pi Pizza Opens Mouth for W. Church Street Sigange

Pi Pizza wants approval to get 30 extra feet than normally allowed for their two internally illuminated signs placed on two sides of their building at 534 W. Church Street. 

The building was constructed in 1922. 

The project site is .22 acres and the existing structure is listed as being 6,055 s.f. according to the O.C. Property Appraiser. There are two tenant spaces in the building. 

There are two proposed sings for Pi Pizza. One is an internally illuminated channel letter sign on the Church St. façade of the building and the second is a sign painted on the east façade of the building. 

The channel letter sign is 40 s.f. and the painted sign is 60 s.f. 

Based on the 75 linear feet of building frontage the entire building is permitted a total of 150 s.f. of signage. 

The ARB application package also includes a signed Management Control Letter from Trevor Myers, the property owner that assigns 100 s.f. of signage to Pi Pizza and the remainder to the adjacent tenant space, a barber shop. 

This application from Pi Pizza is a request for a Major Certificate of Appearance Approval because the total sign area exceeds 30 square feet. The application meets all code requirements.