Turn Back Your Pot Clock: No New Weed for 6 Months Because City Needs More Time to Do What They Said They'd Do But Didn't

The Orlando City Council adopted Ordinance No. 2016-58 in July directing a City planning official to research and propose permanent land development regulations for cannabis dispensing facilities by December 1, 2016. 

They didn't do it. 

So at Monday's City Council meeting, the City asked for a six month extension for extra time to get this done

Proposed ordinance No. 2016-92 also stated that during this time, a moratorium be put in place on the opening of new cannabis dispensing facilities and on the expansion or relocation of any existing (or grandfathered) cannabis dispensing facilities. 

Only one local showed up for public comments: Jose Datil Colon. 

City Council voted unanimously to approve the new ordinance.