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Former Artegon Artists Featured at Green Umbrella Gallery Opening
The Green Umbrella/Green Gallery is having a Grand Opening event June 9-11 (INFO). Artegon vendors Peru Crafts (formally Alipaza Arts) and Winter Park Honey (Wild Florida Honey) and some Artegon fine artists will be open. The Green Gallery is still being set-up but will temporarily house pop-up shops until it is officially open in it's final state. Skippy Green, mascot for Green Umbrella and Green Gallery,will be at the grand opening event.
"We are looking for people who want to do pop-ups for the event. Setting up a pop-up booth/table for the event is free. If you want to make a donation of plants or otherwise to the Winter Park Co-Op, that would be great, but not required. We are looking for bands that want to play." Contact Shannon at 561-506-1676 or email her at