The City is leasing downtown retail space for $1,398.37/month at 116 E. Central Blvd (MAP) to a small business called Lake Eola Florist. The lease for the 835 sq ft space is good for 3 years. The business is currently already leasing the space from the City. This lease is a renewal.
The location is inside the library parking lot on Central.
The purpose of renting out the space to this business is "to continue to promote the central business district (“District”) of the City of Orlando by encouraging retail businesses and services in the District."
The florist had to submit its business plan to the City and has to provide the City with updates.
Another purpose of the partnership is to "encourage pedestrian traffic in the District and the creation and growth of small businesses."
The florist is required to seek technical assistance from an economic development organization to address its business strategy and marketing needs.