Magic Mall Getting $100,000 in Improvements and $20,000 from the City

Magic Mall Plaza at 2155 W. Colonial Drive (MAP) is receiving $20,000 from the Small Business Facade Review Committee towards a $100,522 project. The money will go towards an upgraded monument sign, stucco wall construction on the front facade and upgraded parking lot poles and lights. The plaza is owned by Three Deland Plaza, LLC. 

The Small Business Facade Program is an interest free deferred loan for facade improvements to new and existing commercial property and business owners in the City of Orlando. The SBFP offers matching loan funds to off-set the costs of design and facade improvement expenses such as painting, wall repair or cleaning; window repair or replacement; awnings; new or replacement signage; lighting; streetscape and door repair or replacement. Under the program, the City will loan 50% of the total project cost. Total loan assistance from the City shall not exceed $20,000.

P.S. Please consider supporting our small, Orlando-loving team by attending our Food Truck Bazaars. We truly appreciate your support!