By Mark Baratelli
An amendment to the Lake Lorna Doone Park Parking Revenue Agreement between Orlando Community & Youth Trust, Inc. and the City goes before City Council for approval March 19th.
An amendment to the Lake Lorna Doone Park Parking Revenue Agreement between Orlando Community & Youth Trust, Inc. and the City goes before City Council for approval March 19th.
In 2015, The Orlando City Council approved a Lake Lorna Doone Park Parking Revenue Agreement with the Orlando Community & Youth Trust, Inc. for the purpose of distributing net proceeds of event parking on the multipurpose field at Lake Lorna Doone Park to the Trust. The proceeds would benefit the facilities and operations of the City’s Families, Parks and Recreation (FPR) Department, including facilities and programs that benefit families and children residing in the area of Lake Lorna Doone Park.
The City recently purchased additional property on the northwest corner of Lake Lorna Doone, expanding the footprint of the Park. The Amendment to the Parking Revenue Agreement adds this newly purchased property to the Agreement, so that the net proceeds of parking there will also be distributed to the Trust.
Repair from damage to the park during the City’s Venues Department's parking activities is paid for within 60 days by the Orlando Community & Youth Trust, Inc. to the City.
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