“I’ve been to Orlando twice... Orlando is the biggest fringe in the States, and Orlando has quite a gay local acting scene. So that’s a lot of fun. A lot of the shows you go see down there, there are fifteen people in the show, most of them are nude, wild colors, and dancing, singing… So to actually show up with a one-man show and just stand and talk is quite risqué. It’s a phenomenal opportunity to do your own work. The volunteers, that’s incredible. Even in the billeting system, living free in someone’s home, the whole community is bending over backwards to allow the artist to get paid. The generosity is very special. It’s quite humbling to see how many people have to work for free in order for an artist to get paid.”I never thought of it like that before. A lot of people do bend over backwards, work long hours, FOR FREE, just so these artists can get paid. Pretty interesting when you think about it.
And I love this quote: "Orlando has quite a gay local acting scene." He's judging the Orlando theatre commnity based on what he sees at Fringe. He sees a bunch of naked gay shows and thinks Orlando has "quite a gay local acting scene." Oy!