Take the Doterati survey

If you're "involved in the marketing, interactive or technology communities here in Central Florida," Doterati, the Orlando-based marketing employee hob-knob community, has a quick 15 question survey for you.

They want to know what types of events you're looking for. "The answers to the survey you provide will have a direct influence on not only the types of events we organize, but also the topics, the speakers, the venues and the costs."


"Doterati's mission is to advance the Central Florida interactive marketing, media and technology community as a whole... by serving as an association for professional development, education, community networking and overall inspiration for our digital society."

And let me add that ning.com is an excellent way for your org to build out a decent social network. It's free, too. It's what Doterati and Orlando's chapter of the Improv Everywhere-type group is built on.