FilmSlam 2009: free to submit

FilmSlam has and always will be free to submit to. I encourage you to submit to this fun monthly event, especially if you have something to promote: a Fringe show, a play, a new coffee shop... make a short film involving your "thing" you want to promote and submit it to film slam. Make sure it's good and not just a commercial. But I know you know that already. Here's a letter aboutt he FilmSlam's free-ness from its programmer and host, John Theisen:

I just wanted to take a moment to reconnect with everyone in this New Year. I am happy to report that the first two months of the Enzian FilmSlam 2009 have been very successful - both in the quality of the films being showcased, as well as the overall attendance and support.

I know many of us are feeling the tough economic times right now, so I wanted to remind everyone that the FilmSlam is FREE to submit to. No need to beg for fee waivers or discounts like I am sure many of you are doing with other film festivals....the event is FREE, and we welcome all your submissions.

I have been very pleased with the new faces I continue to see submitting to the event, and also the increased quality of work. That means that we are growing as a community, and also as a force to be reckoned with. Help me keep us going in the right direction by spreading the word to your filmmaker friends who do not know about us, and also continuing to submit your own projects. The bottom line is without quality submissions, we have no get out there and keep making projects and spreading the word. Also, show up and support your fellow filmmakers regardless if you have a film playing or is just good karma.

All the best,

John Theisen
Programmer/Host, Enzian FilmSlam
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