Vote now- Patrons Choice Awards

We are excited about the handing out our first annual Patrons Choice Awards for the very first time EVER Sunday night right after The Fabbys which begin at 11pm, May 24th, 2009 and take place on the outdoor stage on The Green Lawn of Fabulousness.

These awards are all about giving an extra "Thank you!" to the Fringe artists who make all these wonderful shows and bring their creativity to Orlando during the Fringe festival.

The ballot is iPhone-friendly, so sit out on the Green Lawn of Fabulousness with your Beer-Tent-beer and vote in the (hopefully) sunshine. Do it with your friends and make it a group thing.

We encourage you to vote in these awards to show your appreciation for the artists and to support our little indie blog's first attempt at handing out awards.

Thank you and go vote!