Blackmore's Night packs mad garb

Blackmore's Night is a band that dresses in Robin Hood attire and charges $30 a ticket for their shows. Sounds like the Pirates Dinner Show on I-Drive, minus the moat. The band is coming to Orlando in November and not to poke fun at themselves, but to actually perform their music.

"To celebrate the fantasy of the Halloween season, and the Renaissance spirit of the music of Blackmore's Night-- we welcome all fans to join the festivity of the concerts by wearing Garb, or any costume of the season. A 10 % discount will be given for any merchandise items to fans wearing Garb or costumes for the concerts. We look forward to many fun filled evenings"

The show: Tuesday, November 3rd @ 8:00 pm at the Plaza Theatre (the one on Bumby, not the one downtown) Tickets are $30 (plus tax & service).