Announcement: Mobile Art Show Festival

Update 4-26-10 This is not happening. Too much fell on my plate between the time I posted this and now.

Registration will open summer 2010 for the first annual Mobile Art Show Festival. The only requirements on the day of the festival are that you bring some sort of mobile vehicle (UHaul, car, bike, horse and cart, skateboard, trailer, RV, mobile home, semi truck) and you produce something inside/on/around it (art show, store, piece of theatre, panel lecture, hotel room, bodega, beauty parlor, massage parlor, poetry parlor, think tank, neighborhood marketing effort, whatever).

Date & Time
A Saturday or Sunday in 2010


Large empty parking lot
Food vendors

If you want to volunteer or have ideas or questions, send an email to markATthedailycityDOTcom.

Food on a truck

Balloon Vendor



The Treats Truck, Garden Party, June 23, 2008

Big fat letters, little yellow truck


White truck

Get married at the truck stop