The Bowerbirds | Will's Pub

The Bowerbirds at Will's Pub
February 10, 2010
by Janessa Gurksy

Knowing their last studio album was released in July 2009 (titled "Upper Air" and available at Park Ave CDs), I nearly flipped my (enter your choice of curse word here) when I heard that this "sunshine pop" band from North Carolina were making their way to our Will's Pub this year.

(And by the way, I'm loving this little love affair I'm having with my neighborhood watering hole, but that is another story.)

The show was rich with instruments and soft like organic brush cotton. I loved hearing the music live, but the friend I brought with me to the show thought the set was a bit repetitive. The harmonies of Phil Moore (vocals, guitar, hi-hat/tambourine) and Beth Tacular (accordion, bass drum, vocals) were pitch perfect, and then sometimes purposely weaving in and out of tune to fun effect. One of the members of the band (name I'm not clear on) played the mandolin for a handful of songs. They added a lovely layer to the folk sound.

Photo/Video Credit: Janessa Gursky

