Breakthrough Theatre cookies: amazing

2-8-10 | So last night I'm at the Queer Quills reading series at Breakthrough Theatre, and I ask Annie Hair, one of the owners, if she'd consider letting me pay her some money to make a few cookies for the people who show up to tonight's panel on "blogging in Orlando." (She makes the cookies that Breakthrough Theatre that they sell in the lobby.) I don't know how to describe them so I'll use some words: gourmet, urban rustic, high-end. They're lovely to look at and delicious to eat. AND she makes cupcakes too. Well, she said yes to my request, and we agreed to meet today (Feb 8, 2010) at the theatre.


This is BEYOND what I expected. It totally blew me away. So generous! And so to thank her, I send out my own custom song about the Breakthrough and their cookies. The lyrics are timeless.

A big huge thank you to Annie and Wade at the Breakthrough Theatre! This tray of cookies is beyond words. (And if you have not tried the cookies at Breakthrough, you must now!)