Former Storm Glozell Makes it on Perez!

Local Orlando actress (who moved to LA) Glozell (whos sister is in the Orlando Cabaret Festival!) made it on Perez Hilton, one of the most popular blogs in the world! Your Editor has a connection to Glozell that goes waaay back btw.* Big congratulations to Glozell and I hope this takes you even farther than you've already gotten yourself!

*Back when I was an actor at Universal, Glozell played "Storm," and we broke in the same break trailer. We got to talking and she was hysterical. So funny. So one day Universal was seeking acts for their new jazz club or comedy club or some mess. So I asked her if she'd want to put together a funny bit, put it on tape and submit it. We met at her house, which doubles as a music school her mother teaches, and since the entire family is musical, she could play the piano backwards and forwards. Also, we both sang. So we made up this bit where we said we were elementary school teachers and we sang wacked-out versions of children's songs. Universal never said yes or no to our tape submission. And btw, when I say tape, I mean old school vhs in-a-box tape.