Filming & Editing by Mark Baratelli
Pinklight Bazaar (Facebook) took place June 6, 2010 at Redlight Redlight (745 Bennett Rd, Orlando, FL 32803) and we were there to give you a two minute introduction to this re-occuring event in hopes you join the next one and see what cool events Orlando has going on you might not know about (even though we told you about it beforehand).
About: "Get your girlie on" at Pinklight Bazaar, a reoccurring female-powered event created to support & raise awareness about the breakthrough arts & crafting community in Orlando and beyond.
Pinklight Bazaar just thinks that there needs to be more girly events in Orlando. More pink. More glitter. More polka dots. More pink champagne. More girl love/bonding. What is up with all this catty bullshit between ladies? Chill and EAT CUPCAKES.
Although PLB is geared towards ladies, gentlemen are more than welcome to attend AFTER the ladies happy hour (which happens the first hour of each event), though they must be very comfortable with their sexuality and embrace the color pink.
Downtown Orlando Bike Club Ride to Pinklight
Pinklight Flyer Redux
Pinklight Bazaar is June 6, 2010
Pinklight Bazaar is May 3, 2009
Pinklight Bazaar is August 24, 2008