Balance Massage Shoots Glitter Chords

By Mark Baratelli

This is Week 6 in a Sponsored Post Series about my experiences with  Balance Massage's Rolfing treatments. Read about Week 1: Rolfing at Balance: A Giggle Fest Not Crying Torture, Week 2: Balance Massage Walks On My Balls During Rolfing Session #2 and Week 3: Balance Massage Pit Punches With Hell-Bows if you're interested in learning more. Yes, I am missing Week 4 and Week 5.

This past month has been nothing but stress and this Rolfing has been *the only* stress-reliever I've employed that doesn't involve a bartender or pharmacist.

Going to Lu is like mental-physical therapy. I start out talking with her in a natural, cordial manner as she starts her Rolfing session. Then as she fists and forces, I calm down, shut my brain off, and can barely make coherent sentences. The physical affects the emotional. I am, for a rare hour, able to relax.

Also, after 6 weeks of treatment, I am able to run again once a week and (I have a dance background) do high kicks during conversations (I am weird). I haven't been able to do either *well* since 2004. I had a mysterious injury that effed my hips up. Running and high kicks (I am weird) were major parts of my life back in the day.

I'm still having lower back pain and shoulder tension, so she is continually working on this. Today, when Lu got all crazy with my neck and back, there were times when she'd touch a spot and it was as if glitter chords were shooting from the spot she dug into through a 4 inch radius. Other spots, like the middle of my back, were numb. Neither of us know why this is. I think, though, she's getting to the root of the problem. No one shoots glitter without finding some sort of root, right?

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