Contributing Writer
A sketch show cast, writing a sketch show, while performing a sketch show. It could be a recipe for disaster, but in the case of "My Friend in a Sketch Show," it doesn't miss a beat.
The main ensemble players from SAK Comedy Lab are back, including two players from Doctor "WHOse Line is it Anyway?" dishing fresh fare for the laugh-starved. Whether it's Charles Frierman playing a garish-looking wolverine, Gregg Yates as a game-show host prowling on his guest, the enigmatic Lisa Glaze stealing the stage as Rebecca Black or John Telfer with a David Maus impression; these talented improv artists offer a great show.
If you are on a steady diet of humor, then look no further than "My Friend in a Sketch Show," in the Pink Venue and make sure to tweet the cast before the show @MyFriendSketch with sketch ideas - they just might use them in the show!