Comedian Christopher Titus Wants a "Neverlution”

by John Graham
Contributing Writer

Comedy Central debuts the latest one-hour special from Christopher Titus, “Neverlution,” July 3 at 9pm. With commercials, that's roughly forty-two minutes of dark humor. Want more Titus faster? Friday, June 24-26, 2011, Christopher Titus brings “Neverlution” to the Orlando Improv at Pointe Orlando with an uncut ninety minutes. Also expect some new material that won't hit TV until the next special. Titus is satirically mulling a presidential run in 2012.

So what is a “neverlution?”
“Neverlution” means we're now in a place where we'll talk about (revolution), but we'll never have one. We've become this country where we all have big-screen TVs and a Taco Bell every fourteen feet. We'd much rather give up our freedom than give up our stuff. We complain about it a lot, but no one's willing to actually do anything about it. It's not the government's fault. Democrats, Republicans … that's just Coke and Pepsi. Same crap, different can. It's up to us to change it.

You first made a name talking about your family. Are you moving from talking about personal stuff to societal stuff?
You know, I always write what comes up for me. This whole show started because of this one incident in the DMV with this little fat kid. This five-year-old was running a room full of adults. When I was a kid, other parents – and my dad was one of them – would beat other kids' asses in supermarkets. If this room full of adults can't control a five-year-old, how are we going to get this country saved?

Is it hard taking this idea to an audience? “Wait a minute, he's talking about me!”
It's not about left or right, it's about all of us. You want to solve the country's problems, force everyone to have a block party every two weeks. You'd have to meet everyone in your neighborhood. It'd change everything because we'd realize that we all want a good job, our kids to be educated, and move forward. The only reason our government can run the way it's running right now with the Democrats and Republicans fighting so hard is because we're fighting so hard.

Is it fun starting to work out the new material?
It's scary, man. I spend two years working on this show that's gonna kill and we film it and I have to toss that whole show and walk into a new room of new material. It's fun in a jumping-out-of-an-airplane way. The ending of this show changed four or five times. I don't change it. The audience changes it. I'll do it and it's how they react. They change it. That's why I love audiences, man. No matter how many TV shows I get or how many scripts I sell, I love doing stand-up. It's my joy.
Christopher Titus - Take America Back
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