Picture Peace Launch at Urban ReThink Thornton Park

The Picture Peace project launch was Saturday night at Urban ReThink in Thornton Park. Picture Peace is a creative activism movement, founded by career photojournalist Barry Kirsch, to help bring about world peace by transforming every citizen on the planet into a photographer. There is an unspoken code among photographers that all photographers are friends. Whether you work for rival agencies or not, in the field, every photographer watches out for and readily assists any fellow photographer in need. If all photographers are friends, and friends don’t fight with friends … then a world filled with photographers would equate to a world full of people looking out for one another, thus creating an environment in which peace is transformed from possibility to reality.

Every individual on this planet is unique, varied and invaluable. Much like the distinct, nuanced reality each photographer sees when looking through the lens of her or his camera. Picture Peace believes that every individual perspective is not only beautiful but also vitally necessary to creating a worldview that reflects all of the rich layers, unexpected angles and deep dimensions of the human experience.

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